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Highlights From Your CliftonStrengths 34: Season 5 Theme Thursday Kickoff

Highlights From Your CliftonStrengths 34: Season 5 Theme Thursday Kickoff

Webcast Details

  • Gallup Theme Thursday Webcast Series
  • Season 5, Kickoff
  • In this Theme Thursday Season 5 Kickoff, we discuss the new season's structure and the way it will focus on your profile in the CliftonStrengths 34 report.

Join Jim Collison and Maika Leibbrandt as they introduce a new season of Theme Thursday, which will bring you insights into your CliftonStrengths 34 profile -- how to interpret it and what to focus on (it will cover a new talent theme each week), and how to practice "talent-mindfulness," in this Season 5 Kickoff.

NEW for Season 5: Below is a full transcript of the conversation, including time stamps. Full audio and video are posted above.

Jim Collison 0:00

Hi, I'm Jim Collison and live from the Gallup Studios here in Omaha, Nebraska, this is Gallup's Theme Thursday, Season 5, recorded on June 20, 2019.

Jim Collison 0:19

Theme Thursday is a Gallup webcast series that dives deep into the CliftonStrengths themes, one at a time. And today is the Season 5 kickoff. If you're listening live, join us in the chat room. If you have questions, you can email us Maika Leibbrandt is our host today. She's a workplace consultant here at Gallup. Maika, always great to see you. Welcome back.

Maika Leibbrandt 0:38

I'm so happy to be here. It's great to finally be back into our rhythm of Theme Thursday and super, super excited about 5 seasons.

Jim Collison 0:44

Now we are as well and we have a lot of changes coming with Season 5, I think if you're listening to this, you're like, Oh, they're not going to talk about a theme. Don't turn it off because today is going to kind of set the pace or set the framework for the way you should approach these. And so Maika, as we think about this, I have in advance, I have printed -- I'm a print guy, I still like to write on paper. That's one of those kinds of things for these kinds of things. Everything else is digital. But I do like as I have highlighted some things, I have taken some notes kind of in advance of this, I've gone back into the depths of it and and made some notes as well around my Arranger there that's available, you might want to this is going to be a season we're going to interact pretty deeply with the 34 report. So you might want to have you have that handy and available. Maika talk a little bit about the structure, kind of the timing, how long are we going to do these things? How is this going to work?

Maika Leibbrandt 1:36

So it's been a I think, probably a pivotal moment, we will look back on strengths history and realize that when we released the CliftonStrengths 34 report, this beautiful 25-page document, I think we're going to realize that that was an incredible opportunity to truly change how we approach strengths and how we approach the practice of of talent. And it was certainly a behemoth effort. So in in no small part big thanks to Tiffany Saulnier, who led that. But it is a lot to deal with if you're faced with 25 pages about what's great about you. And so, throughout Season 5, we're going to just give you highlights of every single theme as they exist in that 34 report. Now, one of the things that I pulled almost verbatim from that full 34 report was these statements here that I think are really important for all of us to to kind of get our mind around. And that's that the CliftonStrengths at the top of your profile are the most powerful. I've been coaching people for more than a decade looking at all 34 and just about every single time It includes some sort of a conversation about Okay, where did you look first and just about every time people say the bottom, and I have to do a little bit of educating and and really kind of teaching, not even just coaching but helping set the understanding that yes, we have some sort of relationship with all 34 -- your full profile represents your presence of talent across all 34 themes. That does not mean that they're 34 competencies, it does not mean that they're 34 things that you need to use or that you should even try to use. And so what we want to help you do is make sense of your entire profile, which really boils down to focus on the ones at the top, navigate the rest of them.

Maika Leibbrandt 3:15

Your greatest chance to succeed at work or anywhere really does lie in strengthening what you naturally do best and doing more of that. So that's what we hope to hope to help you make sense of and really walk through this massive, tremendous amount of information that you have, if you have access to that CliftonStrengths 34 report that isolating people who do not right so this is still going to be a fantastic resource for people who maybe haven't even taken CliftonStrengths, but want to be exposed to that language want to be exposed to that common understanding what's right with people. I was trying to verbalize this in pre-show, so I'm gonna try it again because I hadn't again, it didn't go very well didn't come out of my mouth as well as I wanted it to. But I think in previous seasons, we've been cleaner about separating a distinction between now we're talking about people who possess this dominant talent, and then we're shifting to talking about people who might manage someone with that talent or lead with it, or how do you follow with it. In this season, it really is meant to be a quick hit for everyone. So if you possess the talent or care about somebody who does, this season will give you a short, but deep understanding of what the value of that talent is, and how you can practice it more mindfully in your life.

Jim Collison 4:25

I will say from a mechanics perspective, when we think about if you are a Top 5 user, and you're like, "Oh, I don't have access to 34," we make that pretty simple. For many of you, while you're listening to this today, June 20, 2019, we have two environments: Gallup Access and the Gallup Strengths Center. This later this fall will be merging the Gallup Strengths Center into Gallup Access. So you might be listening to this and that platform is now retired. And we're all in Gallup Access. There are two codes available for you beyond the Top 5 or you can you can now upgrade. So if you're a Top 5 user, we have an upgrade code you can purchase. If you don't currently have a coach, you might want to engage with the coach, they may be able to get you a special deal on that. And so you can always ask them for that. If you don't, we actually have a list of coaches on our website as well you can find them and engage with one of those engage with us on that. Or, if you're listening to this, and you haven't purchased Top 5, and you might just want to get all 34 to begin with, that code is available as well. So all those pieces are available. If you want to upgrade, Maika, mechanically as well, this season, we are going to keep these very, very short, so or second 15 or 20 minutes, or the content will start a timer. And we'll kind of blow through them. For the live folks, still a pre- and post-show available for you. It will still be around but we're doing two of these a week. So we'll have more of a mid-show than a post-show. And we'll be blowing through these quickly. Not to hurry through them. But to really help for those for those individuals who say give me something in 15 or 20 minutes that I can kind of just really get get an overview of, right? And so talk a little bit about that as well.

Maika Leibbrandt 6:02

Yeah, Jim, I think be great. I'd even love to hear from you your idea on how do we do this and not feel like we're shortchanging, folks. But we are changing our format up for Season 5. From my purely purely my lens on this, I think about it, like I think about my daily workouts and how sometimes it's really nice to be able to sort on what I'm going to do based on how long it's going to take. And with strengths, we don't want this to be something that feels like a big lift every single time. We want it to be something sustainable, that you can come back to even if you don't have 45 minutes. And so I hope, I guess my take on this is I hope it creates some options for accessibility for people so that they have more of a variety of how this can become more of a practice every single day. I found myself saying this in a coaching situation recently that maybe sometimes coaching is a little bit like yoga, in that the moves can be the same every time maybe the questions can be the same every time. But the person is different each time they step on that mat. So you might not hear anything earth-shattering or splendidly new this season. But hopefully you hear it in a way that helps you hear it over and over and over again.

Jim Collison 7:10

For those who think, "Oh, 20 minutes not enough," said by some people, by the way, they've said that, that's OK, Season 4, if this is your first time to this, we've created a longer version about 30-35 minutes in Season 4, Season 3 is more 45-50 minutes, and Season 2 and 1 are more of the 55 to an hour. And so you can kind of work your way backwards. You don't have to do them in order. You can if you want, but a great opportunity to kind of start working your way back. We make them available on YouTube and both as a podcast. And so you can get those seasons, build those playlists, put them together as resources. They're available for you in that way, if you want to do that. Maika, when we think about the content we're going to cover, let's kind of roll through I want to give folks kind of a taste, a feel for so what we're going to roll through each weekend. For Chris Townsend, who's listening, cause she'll probably start a spreadsheet on some of the things we talked about, if you've been listening a while, you know, we like to do things structured. And each one of these will follow a similar structure. So Maika, kind of walk us through a little bit of the structure that we're going to cover.

Maika Leibbrandt 8:12

Yeah. So behind the scenes, the structure starts by me reading the CliftonStrengths 34 report and really taking some highlights there and talking about each theme kind of the same, in the same rhythm that it's talked about in that report. But I think what we really want to help people understand is that there is a research and science to a definition of every single theme. So just to set people I think in a great understanding of what what CliftonStrengths is, we use a lot of different language here. A theme is a cluster of measurable talents. A talent is a pattern, some way that you think or you feel or behave that we know has proven to be successfully applied in somebody's life somewhere. So within the Take, for example, the theme of Achiever that describes a whole bunch of talents whose common thread is completing things, there might be the talent to start every day at zero, or there might be the talent to really have a lot of stamina to keep going. If you still have things on your list, there might be the talent to set the pace for other people. When you bring all those together, and in a common area, that's what we call a theme. And those are what those 34 are.

Maika Leibbrandt 9:17

The extension of that of why do we care is because when we can translate that kind of potential, or that understanding of what your talents have in common, and how we can name them, then we invest in it. And when we invest in it, that's how we get to strength. I've had people ask me, you know, "How do I know when it's when it's a strength? Where's the metric? What do I know? Where's the machine that I put it through to understand if this is a strength or not?" It's not quite that easy. It's definitely more subjective than that. But strength is I think, this this brilliant moving target because we describe that as near-perfect performance. And if you really want to dive into the the nature of positive psychology and really the challenge of CliftonStrengths, it is thinking about and and opening yourself up to the possibility that you could be really world-class and excellent at something. So, in order to get there, in order to get to near-perfect performance, we're going to start by just being able to name -- What do we know defines this talent theme? That can be done in as few as like three sentences. But really is I think that the essence of Theme Thursday is that name it piece, so that you can be able to identify some of these great potential in yourself and and others. Then we'll talk also about how might you notice this showing up in your life? So just be on that scientific or research base definition. What are some of the kind of hallmarks? How can you spot this talent for yourself or for others? What are the "filmable" actions maybe that you might notice?

Maika Leibbrandt 10:45

And then also, one of the things that we want to think about is this concept of blind spots. Now, it's important to note that there's not 70 years of research into how these things might be misunderstood. It is purely a perception piece, but I think it's important if you're going to open yourself up to that kind of challenge to say, be excellent at something that perhaps you also need to address with great responsibility. What could hold you back from your own excellence within that same theme that might be how the theme might be perceived by others, it might also be how it might trip you up. So it's one of the popular elements, I think of that 34 report. And it's not necessarily like what's the wrong side of a theme, but it's, here's some blind spots you might want to be aware of. I will also say that there's no guarantee that you'll ever experience those blind spots, but it is, I think, responsible of ourselves as as strong, talented human beings to address some of those blind spots. And then we'll also talk about what role everything plays on a team. I find that that the concept of teams tends to be something that I get asked about a lot and chances are if you're a coach, and people find out that you that you know and speak CliftonStrengths, or if you're a certified coach here with Gallup people say, "Hey, come 'strengths' my team," as if it's a verb, and they want to jump, right to teams. So we want to give you some ideas of how every single one of those 34 themes can show up within a team, what role can they play. And really, how do they play against perhaps some of the other themes within the same of our four domains? If you're brand new to CliftonStrengths, don't worry, we'll give you a little bit of an understanding of what those four domains are, where they come from, and really just an opportunity to compare and contrast within a domain of what specific about that theme. How do we honor it? How do we feed it? How can What does it bring to a partnership?

Jim Collison 12:35

Maika, each one of those is kind of covered in two pages on the 34 report. So if you have that available, and you go to page 3, that will start your your top theme. And the first two pages kind of cover that. So as we look at those, how I thrive, what is unique, the successes I can have actions to take, watch out for blind spots as we and I love that bringing in some of the the dynamics and some of the team work as well. As we think about other things, we're going to then spend some time on that, I think we're going to be we'll be more built outside of or or built out on the info. What else are we going to talk about?

Maika Leibbrandt 13:13

Yeah, so, um, I think a lot of this is also once you've identified that you have this talent, either in yourself or somebody that you care about, what do you do with it? And so really, the magic of CliftonStrengths is when we allow it to affect the our relationships with each other. And so we'll discuss, you know, do we have any clues, any advice on how to communicate well, with somebody with that particular theme? What might inspire or motivate them? And really then bringing it back to the person to tie a nice little bow on it? What can somebody with each of these teams do to practice this talent every day? I probably hear that more than more than just about anything, is people who say, "I get the Name It. I love it. I listen to your podcast. Like I can talk about these themes. I've even got really good at describing what the differences are between, but how do I help somebody actually aim it? What do I do with this?"

Maika Leibbrandt 14:05

And so I'm going to hold myself accountable. And you can you can now do this too, because I'm saying it out loud on a podcast, to really coming up with some some behavior that you could see people do. What in the it's not going to be quite the same as our challenges in Season 4. But it might be something similar of how do you translate this from a really great understanding of yourself in your head to something you could practice every single day. And so I've actually in preparation for today, I started writing Achiever, because we're going to go alphabetically through all 34. And I realized, no, this is not something that is going to be found in our technical report. It really comes from my years of coaching around this, or from, you know, loving people who have these themes, and really watching them who are at the top of their game and thinking, What do they do with them? And how can how can we translate that into maybe just some quick hits? I don't think it'll be a prescription for most people, I think it I hope it will be an idea generator where they can say, "OK, I get that. I understand now how it could be a little bit more visible." I mean, consider there are some things that it's easier to imagine them like on the playground or in in the office, right? Things like Communication, you can I think a little bit easier, you can imagine what Communication looks like personified. Now you can imagine what an action related to Communication is. Competition, probably the same way, you know, you can instantly think of somebody playing a game or winning a game or measuring themselves against others. There are some that are a little bit more difficult. Maybe they're a little bit more intrinsic or, or even just a little bit more about how we think instead of what we what we naturally do -- themes like Connectedness, like Belief. In some cases, even a theme like Deliberative might be more difficult for people to imagine, like what does a, what does a person with this actually do? So we'll we'll make sure to give you a couple quick hits to start your brain going on what this could actually look like, so that you could practice that talent every day.

Jim Collison 15:54

As we think about wrapping up each theme, each season we've done something different. And you know, we have to go do it. Right? We are thinking of and I think you've got you're onto something here, we kind of have a new way of closing this. Maika talk a little bit about how folks can approach this as as they listen to the webcast.

Maika Leibbrandt 16:14

So I'll be honest, I feel like this is a risk, I'm going to do it anyway, I'm going to do it in a nonrisky way. And we will close every webcast this way, even even though we're doing like two a week, if you're listening to this live, we'll still do this twice a week. So you'll get a double hit. Instead of our Go Do It challenge that we originated for our StrengthsExplorer podcast or our dominant theme and lesser theme challenge that we had for Season 4, in Season 5, we've got this thing that I'm calling talent-mindfulness. And it is not something I hope that you like, take a picture of and come back to later, it's not something I hope you like press pause and, and do like the next day. It's something I want to invite you as listeners to a podcast to put down what you're doing and actually do in practice together with us. So this will be a little bit like the habit or the practice of strengths, really bringing this alive, less as just an identification tool, and really as an opportunity to practice what we're preaching.

Maika Leibbrandt 17:15

So at the end of every podcast will spend the last and maybe we'll try it even today, Jim, spend the last two, two to three minutes in some talent-mindfulness, where we will have you say, OK, regardless of what your relationship is with that theme that we just talked about, here's your opportunity to experience the hard work of looking inside yourself paying attention to those moments of talent that are really lighting you up and doing something about it. And so it'll be anywhere between 3 to 5 important questions plus encouragement to breathe a little bit. That will leave you with and hopefully that that becomes a practice that you can continue throughout your week. And if you come back every Thursday, then we'll make sure to give you a little boost of energy to just come back to that mindfulness practice. I do think it's important to think about why we call it mindfulness and adhere to the practice there. So some of the tenets of mindfulness include nonjudging, and not trying to fix things. So it's not about solving a problem in two minutes, it really is just about paying attention to, to what your your your body is responding to what your mind is responding to what your talents are really experiencing, and, and being brave enough to listen to what you need and ask for it.

Jim Collison 18:26

So great, by the way, you mentioned StrengthsExplorer series. And for those of you who were with us during that, you may be new to this and you're like, "Hey, wait a minute, what is that?" We have a whole series on StrengthsExplorer, now available in its entirety, all 10 sessions, it's its own podcast. So just go to your podcast player and search StrengthsExplorer, that's our assessment for younger children 10 to 14, although I say that can go either way on either side, couple couple years either way. And that's now available for you. And that was pretty great to do with you first half of the year. It's one of the reasons we're compressing this season is because we definitely wanted to get a StrengthsExplorer series in and done. Thank you to those who got us through. It's really weird, Maika, it feels like January in some regards, because we're starting a brand new season. And the summit is already over. Which is weird, because it usually that would be midyear as well. And we're done with that. But we are excited about really packing in over the next 18 weeks. The opportunity to interact with you on each one of these themes.

Jim Collison 19:28

Maika, you want to you want to practice that reflective question a little bit. You want me You want me to start on that thing? I've got a great example if you do. Can I start? (Yeah.) So one of the you said in the past 24 hours, "When did you experience a moment of joy? What were you doing? How are you doing it? Who were you doing it with?" Many of you know, that I think was the best theme, but it's not going to come from a Woo, it's actually kind of come from an Arranger exercise. We are halfway through our high school internship program here at Gallup. And yesterday, I sat down with them. And they asked me this question: "Can we stop meeting so much? We have more work to do that we can't get done because we're meeting too often." And to me, that was really music to my Arranger ears because I worry all summer, all fall and spring as I'm recruiting them about not having enough work to do and then being bored. And so my Arranger kicks in full speed, you know, starting in the spring about finding, discovering, building, preparing for work for them. And the goal, right, to get there is for them to say they're too busy. That's every year I state that, right? I want them to come to me and say we have too many things to do like back off.

Jim Collison 20:40

And so, what a moment of joy! For some people, they would see that as something to fix. And no, that was what I was trying to achieve. I was trying to keep them so busy that they were trying to find things to cut out. It was really a moment of joy, Maika. I don't get to experience a lot of Arranger moments like that just because they come so, you know, oftentimes they take a long periods of time, you know. It's a finishing a season or launching a new podcast. We've done that recently here at Gallup as well. And so what a moment of joy and reflection and that moment of, of what do they call that when you're locked in focus? But what do we call that when your time disappears? (Flow.) Flow, thank you -- could not think of that word for some reason. So much flow that everything kind of around me just kind of disappeared for now. And I was like, This is so great. So there's there's an example, I think of what we're looking for, I think I don't know, what is that? Is that what you were hoping for?

Maika Leibbrandt 21:38

That's beautiful. Yeah, absolutely. I think, yeah, it's a great example of what I hope people experience when we ask these questions. So the practice and we'll try it here right now is just to -- I'll ask a series of questions. I'll first I'll invite you to breathe, so it might feel a little hippie. It's all right. By the way, in the chat, I'm gonna call everybody out for some potential "Woo hate" that's happening right now. People are saying Woos are exhausting. You know what, deal with it, we're wonderful. Let's just not say negative things about these themes. We of course, are joking, all 34 are great. But the minute you hate on any of them, I will call you out. So let's try this right now. We'll just try see how it goes. We'd love your feedback, to see if this is something we can continue because I'm going to anyway, so I just really love to hear how this lands for you. So let's let's dive in.

Maika Leibbrandt 22:28

Right now, wherever you are, set down whatever you're holding, and just be in the moment, maybe even feel the weight of your body on a chair that you're sitting in. Or if you're driving, please just keep driving. But I'd like to invite you just to take a really deep breath in, fill those lungs, hold your breath, kind of at the top of that of that breath, and then exhale, any preconceived notions about what this should be or what we're going to do. Trust me that for the next two minutes, we will take care of you and your brain. Now that were there, that nice refreshing breath, consider this. And this is the question that Jim just answered. And you got to hear a real great example of where that where he took that. But just think about where your own brain takes this. In the past 48 hours, when did you experience a moment of joy? What were you doing? How were you doing it? Who were you doing it with? Get a clear picture in your head; don't just think about this in terms of a list. But really think about how did it feel? Who did you see what were you hearing?

Maika Leibbrandt 23:32

Now let's bring it into into a little bit more realization around that. Who is someone in your life who could benefit from that kind of joy? Maybe even in the next 24 hours? Is there an individual who you work with, or you live with who you recognize on the street, maybe even a stranger who really could benefit from that specific joy that you experienced? If you've got someone in mind, really see their face, think about what they look like, think about what your relationship is with that person. And then I'd like to just have you continue to think about what is the easiest way that you could offer what you have to give to that person. Don't think about monumental shifts. Don't think about hard things; what is the simplest, easiest way for you to really offer that moment of joy to another human being? So we're taking a little bit of an exploration so far through kind of a reflective question and sort of some some future ideas around that. Wherever you take this, this really short moment of talent-mindfulness, I want to remind you that whatever you're facing today, your unique talent is going to be the key to making the most of it -- to not just doing it well, but doing it with excellence and with joy. I encourage you to ask for what you need in order to feed those strengths that you have. Your partners are counting on you. They're not counting on you to be everything. But really just to be your best. And that is our moment of talent-mindfulness.

Jim Collison 25:11

That'll be great. I'm pretty excited about that. And we want to hear from you on these things that you're doing. We're going to work through these and there aren't going to be a lot of answers in them. We're going to spend some time working through them in a more full little bit as we go. We want to hear from you on this, Maika, what's the best way for folks to kind of dialog back on some of their thoughts on these deals?

Maika Leibbrandt 25:32

Sure. Well, I mean, we love it when you can when you can join live, in our chat room. I'm also going to continue I think something that worked pretty well was posting our challenges to my own Instagram account. So I'll post that at Strengths Talk, I'll post just a summary of what some of those questions were. We'd love to hear that. If anybody wants to take us up on other channels of social media of repeating this and posting it everywhere, maybe we'll come up with the hashtag talent-mindfulness, or another hashtag I've made maybe I should just right now ask people what the hashtag should be. So that wherever you are, what do you think?

Jim Collison 26:04

You can go with that hashtag, for sure. I think I think you're onto something there with that talent-mindfulness.

Maika Leibbrandt 26:08

All right, let's do that. Let's tag it. #talentmindfulness, you can always also tag us at Or what do we have any way to tag us? You can tag at #cliftonstrengths, or #themethursday. And clearly I have a little bit of work to do on how to keep people involved there. But thanks for thinking out loud with me.

Jim Collison 26:25

Yeah. No, super great. Maika, as we think about wrapping this, and we think about the season ahead. How would you ask people to prepare?

Maika Leibbrandt 26:32

Um, you know what I think it's just don't try to overthink this. There's so much that keeps people from diving into using CliftonStrengths because they feel like they have to have that mastery first. Jim, huge thank you to you for the work that you continue to lead here. Because I think what we do is we take a lot of the weight off of people in feeling like they have to know what all 34 themes are before they can really start having a relationship with another person through this or having a conversation with people they want or talking with their manager about it. Because there are so there is so much to figure out when you think about 34 themes.

Maika Leibbrandt 27:05

So let us do the weight for you. Share this with people who have the themes, share this with people who you want to understand you better, and just dive in -- you, you create the glue between this being an idea and a philosophy and this really being a practice in a way to build better relationships and have better organizations and, and really lead to, I think stronger wellbeing and productivity and profitability. You do that by sort of housing the conversation by opening it up by being brave enough to say, hey, I've got something to offer. And I want I want to talk about this. So if you can own the connection points between other people who are also caring about strengths, then you can let us own the detail of the instrument itself. And I think that can be a really wonderful way to just continue this the work that we're doing and a really strong kind of vibrant community.

Jim Collison 27:53

Yeah, Ralph says why not overthink this there? You know, there. There's no overthink, he's a thinker. If you want to overthink it, overthink it.

Maika Leibbrandt 28:01

You feel free and overthink it. But don't let thinking keep you from doing anything about it.

Jim Collison 28:04

Yeah, don't let it stop you from being productive as well. If it's productivity that you're looking for, do that. We are super excited about what is ahead. Again, we'll have these available for you. Every week we're doing two. So you want to join us live, it'll be tough, because we're spending a bunch of time rolling through these, it'll be harder for us to take the live engagement. But that will make the pre-, mid- and post-show all that much more important as as we get together there. So, Maika, anything else before I wrap it?

Maika Leibbrandt 28:33

I'm just so excited. And we are thrilled to have folks who are we're out there using this, we really love to hear how you're using it. So that was a highlight for me at the summit of hearing people say hey, I get all my friends together in a conference room and we share lunch and we listen to this or we we all have almost like a book club. We have a podcast club where I share this with my my clients before I coach them. So keep that coming as well. Because that really feeds our ideas for how we can be more relevant, more useful to you.

Jim Collison 28:59

They are lobbying for a hashtag "#useyourthemes" -- that may have become a thing.

Maika Leibbrandt 29:05

I kind of like "#justuseyourthemes", Jim.

Jim Collison 29:09

They are lobbying for that. So the things you say hashtag things you say that you don't think are ever going to get quoted again. I think that one's come up -- #justuseyourthemes. Well, with that will remind everyone to take full advantages of all the resources we have available at the Gallup Strengths Center. just Don't forget, this fall that will be changing over a little bit as we head over to Gallup Access is where you would go here in the future to get that available to you. You want to stay close to us. In fact, the right behind this today is a Community Update. We'll be doing two or three of those over the fall with Austin. And so if you're listening live, hang tight because well, you're gonna have to end this stay on the live page refresh and we'll have a Community Update coming for you as well.

Jim Collison 29:50

Don't forget, you can engage with the coaches blog but you might want to start thinking about, and it's not there yet. But is where everything is moving. We're really excited about moving on to the platform. It's going to bring better search and better availability and better SEO and a lot of those things are coming with that as well. And so that today as of June 20, that's not coming (yet) but as we transition that will be there as well. Want to thank everyone for joining us today for this kickoff series of Season 5 for Theme Thursday. With that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

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